About Me

Tai ket qua bong da ban co the tim thay lich thi dau day du cho cac giai dau hang dau Viet Nam va the gioi Bang theo doi thi dau tai KQBD cung cap thong tin chi tiet ve ngay gio dia diem cac tran dau cung nhu doi bong tham gia Dieu nay giup ban de dang theo doi va sap xep thoi gian cua minh de khong bo lo nhung tran dau hap dan
Website: https://kqbd.games/
Map: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17443850238358329262
Dia chi : 279 Ly Thai To, P. Yen Do, Thanh pho Pleiku, Gia Lai 600000
Hotline: 0906217736
#kqbd, #ket_qua_bong_da, #bong_da, #lich_thi_dau_bong_da