Advanced Data Modelling: Communication, Consistency, and Complexity
Alec Sharp
11-13 October 2017, London

This intense, participative workshop provides approaches for many advanced data modelling situations, as well as techniques for improving communication between data modellers, business analysts, designer/developers, and subject matter experts. You will learn a concrete set of frameworks, methods, techniques, scripts, heuristics, and other tools that you can draw on to keep the process moving, with everyone engaged, even when complex, difficult situations are encountered. You will learn specific, repeatable techniques that you can use to drive your data modelling skills to the next level. Three main themes will be explored:

• The technical side of data modelling – getting better at modelling difficult, complex situations
• Developing and using data models in new ways, and in conjunction with other techniques
• The human side of data modelling – improving processes and communication skills


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