This course is designed as a practical learning tool for trade professionals working for business support organisations (BSOs) which are involved directly and indirectly in the organisation of trade missions.

The purpose of the course is to encourage a rethink of the approach to trade mission organisation. It does not advocate a single ‘fixed’ model for mission organisation but advocates an approach which is more creative, more flexible and more targeted at the same time.

The guiding principles of this approach are greater specialisation in mission focus and greater customisation in the services provided to mission delegates. These twin features are at the heart of the 3rd generation of mission organisation.

The wider goal is to help BSOs and companies to develop new performance levels and participate more effectively in the Global Market.

There are six modules to complete. At the end of each module you will find an end of module assignment to complete in your assignment pack. These assignments should be completed and returned to your tutor by email or post. These assignments will be marked by your tutor and returned to you. Your tutor will be available by email or Skype to discuss each assignment.

At the end of the course you will be asked to complete a final assessment in the form of a case study which will draw together everything you have learnt during the course. You will be assessed on your practical and theoretical input into this assignment and this will comprise your final grade for the course. This case study will be marked by two tutors and the grade averaged. The Certificate for Mission Organisers will be awarded to candidates with a Pass, Merit and Distinction grade.


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