This Course is Designed For:

 Lawyers;
 Solicitors;
 Legal Researchers;
 Paralegals;
 Legal Consultants;
 Politicians;
 In-house counsels;
 Corporate Executives;
 Legal Secretaries
 Political Science graduates
 Law students;
 Law Enforcers;
 Employees performing legal duties;
 Court Employees;
 Sheriff;
 Clerks of Court;
 Legal Analysts;
 Other professionals who want to have a clear understanding of the legal system.

Duration: 1 month (4 weeks)


Part 1: History and Nature of International Law

 Definition of International Law;
 Brief History;
 Nature of International Law;
 Enforcement of International Law;
 Applicability of International Law.

Part 2: Sources of International Law

 Treaties;
 International Custom;
 The Relationship between Treaties and International Custom;
 Jus Cogens;
 General Principles of International Law;
 Judicial Decisions;
 The Writings of Publicist;
 Equity;
 Secondary Law of International Governmental Organisations (IGOs);
 Declarations;
 Soft Law;
 Codification of International Law.

Part 3: The Law of Treaties

 Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties (VCLT);
 Fundamental Principles of Law of Treaties;
 VCLT Treaty Definition;
 Conclusion of Treaties;
 Reservations to Treaties;
 The Relationship between Interpretative and Conditional Interpretative Declarations and Reservations;
 Entry into Force, Deposit, Registration and Publication of Treaties;
 Treaty Validity;
 Treaty Application;
 Amending and Modifying Treaties;
 Interpretation of Treaty;
 Termination and Suspension of Treaties;
 Settlement of Disputes.

Part 4: International Law and Municipal Law

 The Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law;
 Municipal Law International Courts and Tribunals;
 International Law before UK Courts;
 European Union (EU) Law in UK Courts.

Part 5: International Personality

 States;
 Elements of a State;
 Independent States;
 Dependent States;
 Sui Generis Entities;
 Internationalised Territories;
 De Facto Regimes;
 Mandates and Trusteeship Territories;
 Insurgents, Belligerents and National Liberation Movements;
 Territories under UN Administration;
 International Government Organisations (IGOs);
 Individuals;
 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs);
 Multinational Corporations (MNCs).

Part 6: Recognition of States, Governments and Intergovernmental Organisations in International Law

 Types of Territorial Sovereignty;
 Acquisition of Title to Territory;
 The Modes of Acquisition of Title to Territory;
 Other Circumstances Relevant To Acquisition of Title to Territory;
 Restriction on the Transfer of Territory;
 The Loss of Territory;
 International Leases and Servitudes.

Part 7: Jurisdiction

 The Territoriality Principle;
 The Nationality Principle;
 The Protective Principle;
 The Passive Personality Principle;
 The Universality Principle;
 Universal Jurisdiction in Tort;
 Concurrent Jurisdiction;
 The ‘Effects Doctrine’;
 Jurisdiction to Adjudicate;
 Jurisdiction to Enforce.

Part 8: Immunity from National Jurisdiction

 State Immunity, Non-Justiciability;
 The Act of Sale Doctrine;
 Evolution of State Immunity;
 The Terrorism Exception to State Immunity;
 UK Law on State Immunity;
 The UN Immunity Convention;
 Immunity of Heads of State and Other High Ranking State Officials;
 Diplomatic Immunity;
 Quasi-Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities;
 Immunities of International Governmental Organisations (IGOs);
 Immunities of Visiting Armed Forces.

Part 9: State Responsibility for Wrongful Acts

 The Theories of State Responsibility;
 Imputability;
 Direct and Indirect International Wrongs;
 Aggrieved Responsibility;
 Ordinary Responsibility;
 Admission and Expulsion of Aliens;
 Denial of Justice to Aliens;
 Expropriation of Aliens’ Foreign Property;
 Diplomatic Protection;
 Circumstances Precluding Wrongfulness;
 Consequences of Invoking a Circumstance Precluding Wrongfulness;
 Reparation for Injury.

Part 10: International Protection of Human Rights

 The International Bill of Rights;
 Other Major UN Human Rights Treaties;
 The UN Human Rights Enforcement Machinery;
 Regional Arrangement for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;
 Human Rights in Customary Law and As Rule of Jus Cogens.

Part 11: People Self-Determination

 The Principle of Self-Determination: The Evolution;
 Decolonisation;
 The Limit of the Right to Self-Determination in the Colonial Context;
 The Right to Self-Determination and People Living Under Racist Regimes and Foreign Domination;
 The Right to Self-Determination as Human Right.

Part 12: Peaceful Disputes Settlement between States

 Diplomatic Means of Dispute Settlement between States;
 Arbitration;
 Mixed Claims Commissions;
 From The Permanent Court on International Justice (PCIJ) To International Court of Justice (ICJ);
 The International Court of Justice;
 Evaluation of International Court of Justice.

Part 13: From The Right to Wage War to the Total Prohibition of War

 The Prohibition of the Threat or Use of Force under the United Nations (UN) Charter;
 Exception to the Prohibition on the Threat or the Use of Force Based on Self-Defence;
 Collective Self-Defence;
 Controversial Uses of Force.

Part 14: International Security

 United Nations National Security (UNSC);
 United Nations General Assembly (UNGA);
 UN Peacekeeping and Its Role in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security.

Part 15: International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

 The Principles of International Humanitarian Law (IHL);
 The Hague Law;
 The Geneva Law;
 The Scope of Application and Content of International Humanitarian Law (IHL);
 Breaches of IHL;
 The Role of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

We offer very attractive discount for groups of 3 and more people, from the same organisation, taking the same course. This discount is between ten percent (10%) and thirty three percent (33%), depending on the group size. Even with these discounts, we can also deliver courses for groups in the country of your choice.

Please feel welcome to contact me, at any time. My e-mail addresses are:; and
My Direct telephone number is +442071935906


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