Duration – One day

Assertive people are much more effective at work and they are able to handle what might be considered as difficult situations a lot better than others. One of the most common causes of poor communication and relationship difficulties is due to lack of personal confidence or low self-esteem. Learning to be assertive offers the potential to acquire feelings of control, increased confidence and improve their self-esteem. This course will equip participants with assertiveness skills to enable them to be more effective in their dealings with others.

By the end of the course participants will:

• Be able to identify assertive, aggressive and passive behaviours and their impact on others.
• Identify their own behaviour – are they getting the results they need or want?
• Learn the skills to develop assertive communication – verbally, vocally and visually
• Apply assertive skills to Say No, deal with requests, deal with criticism and asking for help.
• Have an opportunity to practise their new skills in a safe environment.

Who should attend?
This workshop is for anyone who wishes to improve their overall effectiveness by challenging to be assertive in a positive, confident way. It will provide the delegate with a set of skills to become more assertive in any task they do.


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