Business-Oriented Data Modelling: A Business-Oriented Approach to Entity-Relationship Modelling
Alec Sharp
9-10 October 2017, London

This workshop introduces entity-relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, thoroughly covering the basic components of a data model – entities, relationships, attributes, and identifiers. In addition to showing how and when to use these components in developing a data model, it includes far more advice on the process of developing a data model than other courses, including specific methods for getting subject matter experts involved and maintaining their commitment. The content is presented within the context of a clearly-defined, three-phase data modelling methodology that supports progressive detail and precision. Learning objectives include:

• Apply a variety of techniques that support the active participation and engagement of business professionals and subject matter experts
• Use entity-relationship modelling to depict facts and rules about business entities at different levels of detail, including conceptual (overview) and logical (detailed) models
• Use top-down and bottom-up approaches to initiating development of a data model
• Recognise the four basic patterns in data modelling, and when to use them
• Effectively use definitions and assertions (“rules”) as part of data modelling
• Use an intuitive approach to data normalisation within an entity-relationship model
• Apply various techniques for discovering and meeting additional requirements
• Read a data model, and communicate with specialists using the appropriate terminology


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