Half day training course starting at £198 (165 + VAT) and delivered at our training venues in London, Leeds and Manchester.

Email poses one of the biggest risks to organisations. Not because of email, but how it is managed. Avoiding ransomware, phishing scams and data loss incidents is a key part of email management, as well as the proper use of email systems as a communication tool to enable people to do their jobs.

This course is suitable for anyone who wants their team or organisation to manage emails better.

You will learn:

– the risks inherent in poor email management;
– what emails are secure/not secure and when to use secure email
– the value of email as a communication tool, not a records management tool;
– how to keep emails clear and simple, including best use of subject headings and CC/BCC;
– tips and tricks in Outlook and for general email management;

Learning will take place through presentation, Q&A sessions, group work, and exploring case studies. Like all our courses you will have access to course and assessment materials on the WuDo Moodle, as well as opportunities to ask follow up questions and access to useful materials.


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