I am pleased to inform you of our upcoming Study Package for Executive Management Development and Organisational Growth Strategy, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At a cost of Five Thousand Pounds (GB£5,000.00) per Delegate, a discount of more than 50%, the Package, which includes Hotel Accommodation and Meals, is scheduled to take place from August 06 – 16, 2017.

As the course objectives, contents, concepts, and issues, outlined in the brochure indicates, this course is invaluable in the enhancement of your Professional Competence and Effectiveness in formulating and employing organizational growth strategy, improved quality and performance, towards productivity improvement and eventual organisational effectiveness.

Event Schedule
Study Package Duration: 10 Days
Kuala Lumpur Arrival Date: August 06, 2017
Workshop Start Date: August 07, 2017
Workshop Completion Date: August 13, 2017
City Tour Date: August 14, 2017.
Departure Date: August 16, 2017
Individual Study Package Cost: £5,000.00 Per Delegate, in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Daily Schedule: 9:30 to 4:30 pm

Kuala Lumpur Study Package Cost includes:

 7-Day Intensive Workshop on: – Executive Management Development and Organisational Growth Strategy;
 Hard Copy Study Material, in Folder;
 Electronic Study Material, on USB;
 Diploma – Postgraduate – in Executive Management Development and Organisational Growth Strategy (Double Credit) or Certificate of Attendance and Participation – if unsuccessful; on resit.
 2-Way Airport Transfer;
 4-Hour City Tour;
 10 Nights Hotel Accommodation, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
 Meals (Breakfast and Dinner);
Morning and Afternoon Snacks, during the 7-Day Workshop;
 Hot Lunch during the 7-Day Workshop;
 Institute’s Polo Shirt;
 Institute’s Metal Pen.

Course Objectives

By the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates will be able to:

 Address the possible synergistic effect of acquisitions;
 Adopt an effective follow-up system in the workplace;
 Adopt appropriate strategies for dealing with interruptions;
 Adopt effective delegation techniques;
 Analyse how delegation contributes towards effective time management;
 Analyse the concept of leasing in relation to delegating;
 Analyse the perception in each role;
 Apply the concept of Equifinality in organisational control;
 Apply the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to time management issues;
 Appreciate the importance of time management;
 Ascertain how to work with disorganised colleagues;
 Ascertain the concept of delegation;
 Ascertain the importance of delegating tasks;
 Ascertain the possible causes and effects of meeting mismanagement; and
 Ascertain the relationship between an incumbent’s experience and role enactment;
 Ascertain the relationship between an incumbent’s role perception and his or her role performance;
 Ascertain their respective goals/objectives;
 Assess their organisational strengths, listing the three most important ones that might be exploited, in the light of the current opportunities that are available;
 Beat work related stress;
 Calculate ‘Life Cycle Costing’;
 Chart the benefits and drawbacks of a ‘Conglomerate Integration’;
 Cite the link between culture and managerial action;
 Conceptualise classical organisational theory and design, neo-classical, humanistic and contingency organisational design approaches;
 Conduct an efficient workload analysis;
 Contextualise Organisational Effectiveness;
 Contextualise organisational external growth strategy;
 Create an effective agenda that will keep the meeting on the track;
 Deal with external organisational accountability;
 Deal with information overload;
 Decide which items can be delegated;
 Define objectives, generally;
 Define Organisational Development, in Context;
 Define role set;
 Define, describe and analyse the nature of an organisation;
 Demonstrate a heightened understanding of ‘gatekeeping’ and how it might be effectively manged, to enhance organisational improvement;
 Demonstrate a heightened understanding of role relationships;
 Demonstrate a positive perception of the value of a learning organisation to co-operate effectiveness;
 Demonstrate an understanding of team dynamics and its importance for organisational functioning;
 Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of power and how it might be applied for the benefit of the organisation;
 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of inter-personal skills in the continuing performance of autonomous work teams;
 Demonstrate an understanding of the issue of ‘responsibility’ and how it translates in superior-subordinate relationships in organizations
 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between high performance teams and ‘Risky;
 Demonstrate and understanding of the place of equity in the functioning of high productivity teams; and
 Demonstrate how a continuous improvement strategy might be designed and implemented;
 Demonstrate the ability to place equity in the context of organisational reward;
 Demonstrate the quality benefits of JIT vs. MRP;
 Demonstrate their ability to circumvent problems posed by Single Sourcing;
 Demonstrate their ability to conduct an Internal Organisational Analysis;
 Demonstrate their ability to Identify areas for quality improvement;
 Demonstrate their ability to Quality Benchmarking;
 Demonstrate their ability to use quality as the basis for conducting a strategic operational review;
 Demonstrate their understanding of ‘Modern Control Systems’;
 Demonstrate their understanding of at least 2 approaches to leadership;
 Demonstrate their understanding of the different bases of co-ordination;
 Demonstrate their understanding of the fundamental differences between JIT and MRP;
 Demonstrate their understanding of the High and Low LPC Leaders’ degree of behavioural control over their subordinates, respectively;
 Demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between fielder’s situational model & McGregor’s Theory ‘X’ & Theory ‘Y’ leadership styles;
 Demonstrate their understanding of the role OF Research and Development for Quality Improvement.
 Describe and enumerate some single and dual status organisations;
 Describe role as the behavioural expectations of a role set;
 Describe self-ideal as a behavioural construct;
 Describe the bureaucratic organisations, adhocratic organisations, mechanistic organisations, organismic organisations;
 Describe the democratic incumbent, autocratic incumbent, the generous incumbent, the dedicated incumbent, the social self and the role of each;
 Design a strategy for the initiation development launching empowerment and support of high performance teams in their organizations;
 Determine Efficiency Gains, from the implementation of specific organisational strategy;
 Determine how efficient time management increases work effectiveness and productivity;
 Determine how goal setting can lead to proper time management;
 Determine how management information systems support organisational control;
 Determine some exemplifying roles;
 Determine the boundary relationship of a role set;
 Determine the cybernetic value of computerised information system in general organisational functioning and specifically management control system;
 Determine the cybernetic value of computerised information system in general organisational functioning and specifically management control system;
 Determine the importance of ‘Life Cycle Costing’;
 Determine the importance of training and development in the ‘culturing’ of high performance teams;
 Determine the level of worker autonomy to permit when dealing with highly motivated staff;
 Determine the most significant weaknesses within their organisations, and the extent to which the entity is, consequently exposed to specific external threats;
 Determine the organisational benefits of Zero base budgeting;
 Determine the place of an incumbent’s perceived role expectations on his or her role enactment;
 Determine the place of mutual adjustment, as a co-ordinating mechanism within specific organisational settings – determined by their sizes and stages of development, and work process;
 Determine when a merger might best be executed;
 Develop a personal approach in using your time in the most productive way;
 Develop and maintain a good time management habit;
 Develop their personal “To-Do List;”
 Develop their personal ABC123 prioritised planning;
 Develop useful techniques for setting and achieving goals;
 Develop ways to maximise their personal effectiveness;
 Develop your own individualised plan of action.to maximise their use of time;
 Devise an organized and systematic schedule and handle it properly;
 Devise their personal planner;
 Devise ways to avoiding time crunches;
 Differentiate between Micro Organisational Development and Macro Organisational development;
 Differentiate managerial control and worker autonomy and professionalism in mechanistic organisations;
 Differentiate operational centralisation and decentralisation;
 Differentiate social objectives from business objectives;
 Discuss POSEC Method in relation to time management;
 Discuss the positive effect of high performance teams to the enhancement of ‘Organisational Learning’ and ‘Learning Organisation’;
 Discuss, with examples, at least three functions of effective organisational communication;
 Distinguish among internal, upward and downward organisational accountability;
 Distinguish between formal and informal organisations;
 Distinguish between Horizontal and Vertical Integration, clarifying their discussion with examples;
 Distinguish between informal management and formal management succession charts;
 Distinguish between JIT system and material requirements planning;
 Distinguish between Organisational Effectiveness and Organisational Efficiency;
 Distinguish between strategic, tactical and operational quality objectives;
 Distinguish between task forces and committees;
 Distinguish between teams and groups in organisations;
 Distinguish between the concepts of ‘leader’ and ‘managerial leader’;
 Distinguish between the different types of Vertical Integration, outlining the contribution that each might make to organisational success and sustainability;
 Distinguish groupthink from teamthink;
 Elucidate the tacit relationship between Employee Development and Organisational Effectiveness;
 Enumerate examples of business and non-business organisations;
 Enumerate the benefits of effective time management;
 Enumerate the different stages of team formation, exploring their significance in organisational reality;
 Enumerate the different time management tips for managers;
 Enumerate the factors influencing effective delegation;
 Establish a ‘quality-throughput accounting balance’;
 Establish quality objectives;
 Establish the difference in ‘push’ and ‘pull’ between Just-In-Time (JIT) System and Material Requirement Planning (MRP);
 Establish the link between role and the internal environment;
 Establish the relationship between delegation and external candidature;
 Establish the relationship between power, culture and organisational structure;
 Establish the relationship between self-ideal and a performance enhancer;
 Evaluate the impact of a haphazard management accounting system on the overall organisational control mechanism;
 Evaluate the impact of a haphazard management accounting system on the overall organisational control mechanism;
 Evaluate the standards proposed by internationally acclaimed quality protagonists, such as:
 Exemplify ‘Life Cycle Costing’;
 Exhibit an understanding of the role of communication for quality improvement;
 Exhibit their ability to establish quality assurance from quality objectives;
 Exhibit their ability to initiate and institutionalise incremental quality improvement;
 Exhibit Their understanding of the Sourcing strategies, which are necessarily employed in JIT and MRP;
 Explain ‘Person’ or ‘Consideration Oriented’ leaders and their relationship with employee satisfaction and subsequent staff turnover level Point to specific empirical research supporting the relationship between participative leadership behaviour and organisational effectiveness.
 Explain facets #1 and 2 of authority;
 Explain how ‘Joint Ventures’ might mitigate financial risks;
 Explain how managers and subordinates benefit from delegating;
 Explain how social objectives lead to profitability gain;
 Explain the concept of batching technique and its relationship to time management;
 Explain the concept of delegation as internal promotion;
 Explain the concept of Eisenhower method;
 Explain the concept of organisational culture;
 Explain the concept of segmental expectations;
 Explain the different classification of culture;
 Explain the import conversion export process;
 Explain the issue of merger as a ‘Strategic Choice’;
 Explain the motivation behind the excellence of high performance teams;
 Explain the Objectives of Planning, Programming Budgeting System (PPBS);
 Explain the pickle jar theory;
 Explain the relationship between the ‘goal-path model’ of leadership & the expectancy theory of motivation;
 Explain the time management matrix;
 Explore the bases for ‘division of labour/work’ in organisations and their relation to organisational effectiveness;
 Expound the facet of authority, providing practical examples
 Formulate strategies in handling unexpected job emergencies;
 Gain a balance between professional goals and personal time;
 Give the bases of divisional organisational structure;
 Graphically illustrate the symbiotic relationship between Organisational Development and Organisational Change;
 Handle e-mails, task and calendar systematically;
 Highlight at least three crucial issues that are associated with Internal Organisational Changes;
 Identify role segments;
 Identify some organisational tasks and determine how tasks are grouped;
 Identify the concerns of managers in delegating;
 Identify the different meeting menaces and learn how to deal with them;
 Identify the role expectations of social support;
 Identify the set of complimentary relationship in every role;
 Identify their professional goals and personal time;
 Identify time bandits and devise strategies for dealing with them;
 Identify time wasters and adopt strategies for eliminating them;
 Illustrate a matrix organisational structure;
 Illustrate a simple, functional and divisional organisational structure;
 Illustrate how just-in-time system works in practice;
 Illustrate how the issue of added-value might be instilled by high performance teams;
 Illustrate how their organisations can benefit from high performance teams;
 Illustrate the application of ‘gatekeeping’ to avert ‘resonation’;
 Illustrate the importance of members’ understanding of team dynamics for effecting their team building and maintenance roles;
 Illustrate the role of the internal and external Organisational Development Consultant (OD) in supporting the development maintenance and crisis management of high performance teams.
 Illustrate the value of high performance teams in enhancing organisational development;
 Illustrate their understanding of an organisation’s external internal integration and its ramifications for its effectiveness;
 Implement techniques for minimising disruptions;
 Indicate the function of communication as a medium of the transmission of values and role relationships in autonomous work teams;
 Indicate the occasions when their organisation might concede ‘exposure avoidance’;
 Indicate the quality issues involved in JIT and MRP;
 Indicate when managerial control should be relaxed, to facilitate organisational development and continuous profession al development.
 Indicate when managerial control should be relaxed, to facilitate organisational development, quality improvement and continuous professional development;
 Know how most managers apportioned their time;
 Know how to properly delegate task;
 Know how to properly delegate task;
 Know how to refuse unreasonable requests in the proper manner;
 Know the degree of specificity of role in mechanistic organisations and organismic organisations;
 Know the difference between being “busy” and “productive;”
 Know the importance of delegation in increasing productivity and workflow;
 Know the importance of lines of authority and accountability in organisations towards effective organisation communication;
 Know the organisation’s accountability to owners or sponsors, clients, users, or customers, creditors, and sector or industry;
 Know the role actor or incumbent;
 Lead discussions on the place of Organisational Development in the enhancement of Organisational Effectiveness;
 Learn how assert themselves politely and calmly;
 Learn how to delegate authority for effective task performance;
 Learn how to delegate responsibility with delegated tasks;
 Learn how to diffuse the impact of others;
 Learn how to handle interruptions constructively;
 Learn how to maintain their responsibility;
 Learn how to manage their workloads more effectively;
 Learn how to prioritise using decision matrices;
 Learn how to utilize their gap times;
 Learn the step-by-step process in making effective schedule;
 List down some matrix organisational types;
 List four barriers to an effective organisational communication system, explaining how they impair its functioning and the ways in which these problematic issues might be addressed;
 List some structural typologies and describe each;
 List the constituents of a ‘Strategic Operational Review’;
 List the different stages of operational control;
 Make a case for the ‘employment’ of ‘Autonomous Teams’ in organisations;
 Make suggestions regarding the elimination of their organisational weaknesses, transforming them into strengths;
 Make use of the different time management tools to increase their work effectiveness and productivity;
 Manage information flow and retrieval process;
 Manage projects in a systematic way;
 Manage resources more efficiently;
 Manage the risk of internal ‘sabotage’;
 Meet tight deadlines with time to spare;
 Name at least two types of teams, with examples;
 Name the different planning tools;
 Narrate the importance of ‘Market Forces Monitor’ in formulating Strategic Direction;
 Outline at least three types of dysfunctional behaviours and how they might be effectively addressed;
 Peruse business objectives through business objectives;
 Pinpoint expected results;
 Plan to make the best use of the time available through the art of effective scheduling;
 Plot the relationship between managers with high & low least preferred co-worker (LPC), characteristics, respectively;
 Position Resonation a crucial obstacle to organisational operation;
 Prioritise ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ activities;
 Provide a working definition of accountability
 Provide an illustrative example of a manager ‘residing’ in two distinct ‘Command Team’;
 Provide at least one example of ‘resonation’ in an organisational setting;
 Provide at least three alternative phrases for the concept of high performance teams;
 Provide at least three critical bases for the enhancement of Organisational Effectiveness, Through Organisational Development;
 Provide at least two bases for team typologies;
 Provide at least two examples of organisational efficiency, in practice;
 Rationalise Horizontal Integration for the enhancement of an entity’s Operational ‘Status’;
 Realise the importance of agenda;
 Realise the importance of goals;
 Recognise the variety of causes of procrastination and apply relevant techniques to overcome them;
 Reduce time spent in meetings yet contribute more effectively;
 Relate objectives to specific actions, whenever necessary;
 Relate the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with effective time management;
 Set quality objectives in relation to other organisational objectives;
 Set realistic goals through SMART method;
 Shifts’ and the measures that might be implemented to avert the negative consequence that is likely to ensue;
 Solve problems through the trading game scenario.
 Specify and explain the four D’s in time management;
 Specify and explain the four D’s in time management;
 Specify the effects of poor time management;
 Specify the steps for running productive and effective meeting;
 Specify when goals are expected to be achieved;
 State quality objectives as precisely as possible;
 Suggest how effective conflict management might enhance the lifespan of high productivity teams;
 Suggest how their organisation might aligning its Strengths with Its Strategic and Operational Plans;
 Suggest problems with equalities or traits approaches; and
 Suggest the importance of a merger in improving organisational effectiveness;
 Suggest the most appropriate operational stage that is supportive of the continuance of high productivity in high performance teams;
 Suggest ways to improve organisational culture.
 Suggest ways to manage multiple tasks;
 Understand organisational structure as roles and relationships;
 Understand the concept of internal selection mechanism;
 Understand the concept of multitasking;
 Understand the difference between important and urgent activities/works;
 Understand the underlying concept of the prioritisation grid;
 Understand the underlying principles of “time” in an organisational wide context;
 Use case examples to illustrate the need for culturing the appropriate leadership styles and strategies that are conducive to the sustainability of high performance teams in their organizations;
 Use effective delegation techniques at the workplace;
 Use practical techniques for organising work;
 Use prominent examples to distinguish between groups and aggregations;
 Use quality as a basis for conducting an internal and external environmental analysis.

Please feel welcome to contact me, at any time. My e-mail addresses are: fria@hrodc.com; and fria.hrodc@outlook.com
My Direct telephone number is +442071935906


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