Half day risk management training course, delivered in our training venues in London Leeds and Manchester, and also available to be delivered in house.

Starting from £198.00 (£165.00 + VAT) this course will give you a thorough grounding in risk management, enabling you to identify, describe and evaluate risks as well as develop systems to manage and reduce risks you encounter.

As well as giving you good knowledge of risk management fundamentals you will also gain an understanding of the role of risk management in the planning, implementation and assurance of organisational activities.

Through a combination of presentations, exercises, group work and Q&A sessions this course will give you practical, applicable tools and information that you can use to embed effective risk management techniques in your organisation.

The focus of the course is very much on giving you resources and support, rather than a purely legal or academic understanding of risk management, but also aims to bring good risk management to life and impress on all attendees the value of risk management to any organisation that wishes to achieve future success.

This course covers

– Introduction: what is a risk? What is risk management?
– The benefits of risk management
– Key concepts you need to know
– How to describe a risk
– Techniques for evaluating a risk
– Approaches to mitigating risk
– Gaining assurance of risk management
– Key roles and responsibilities in risk management
– Compiling a risk register
– Risk maturity and continuous improvement

At WuDo Solutions all our courses are designed based on our expertise, experience of supporting people and organisations with information governance requirements, and in depth research into how and what people want to learn.

We combine this with personalised training and dedicated support to maximise the benefits of our training to you.

Our trainers are all subject matter experts honed by years of experience in the field, bringing practical experience to underpin their course delivery.

And of course there is our commitment to passing on practical tips and tools you can apply in your work, with ongoing support as part of our training package to make that a success.


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