The Logical Data Warehouse – Design, Architecture, and Technology
Speaker: Rick van der Lans
15-16 June 2017, London
2-3 November 2017, London

Classic data warehouse architectures are made up of a chain of databases. This chain consists of numerous databases, such as the staging area, the central data warehouse and several datamarts, and countless ETL programs needed to pump data through the chain. This architecture has served many organizations well. But is it still adequate for all the new user requirements and can new technology be used optimally for data analysis and storage?

The technology to create a logical data warehouse is available, and many organizations have already successfully completed the migration; a migration that is based on a step-by-step process and not on full rip-and-replace approach.

In this practical course, the architecture is explained and products will be discussed. It discusses how organizations can migrate their existing architecture to this new one. Tips and design guidelines are given to help make this migration as efficient as possible.


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